Everyone has his own space, but not everyone will become a spaceman.
Before trying to change the world, try and change yourself.
Every creature has its own features; crabs walk backwards, donkeys are very stubborn, lions are very brave, and rats are treacherous...we all have an animal inside - the trick is to suppress the rat and bring out the lion.
God hid human essence inside the human, only everyone keeps it in different parts of the body - some in the head and some in other places.
Good does not necessarily produce good, but evil always produces evil.
I don't know what you are going to become but only the ability to love will make you happy.
Don't try and drown your pain in blood - try and drown it in something good.
All these years you are fighting somebody who doesn't want to fight you but wants to help and support you.
No one stops you from fighting for your place under the sun; choose your own place and your own sun.
Imagine the feeling of a blind person who got his sight back. I think he starts to percept the world with the newly found sense of love and gratitude.
Of course you have dreams, but you need to start activating them now for them to be realized.
To reach your goals, you need to set them first. I would like for you to realize your true potential.
To fly on a plane and to fly a plane are two different things.
Don't shoot your words at your father who loves you so. These words can hurt, or kill, or worse yet - bounce back at you.
A son's most important job is to honor his father.
If you want to see your true image, look at me; I am the mirror that doesn't lie.
What son doesn't look up to his father and doesn't seek his approval?
I was crucified on the cross of lies...makes me wonder though why my children don't think me to be godlike.
I love my children with all my heart and my soul...I am ready to love them with all of my money, too.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Life is not a one way street; you need to know the rules and how to use them; you need the support of your old father; I am ready to help you.
If a mountain doesn't go to Mohammed he then goes to the mountain; if my kids either don't want or cannot come to me I will make every effort possible to go to them.
A good parent relives his life through his children.
My love to my children is the key to my heart; please use it to come in.
I want you to have faith, but I want your faith to be based on your talent, knowledge and understanding.
Do you wonder why traveling through the land of knowledge did not improve you? You had only yourself for your traveling companion.
Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for the moral existence of the future life; unfortunately, my children were robbed of the sturdy foundation.
Children are made to be happy but happiness is not always made for children.
You cannot experience the road of life without walking it. I wish I could help you walk it, but I am separated from you by the barb wire of hatred.
It's easy to break off a branch; it's impossible to put it back; only an experienced gardener can do that with patience, love and time; I am trying to be that gardener only I don't have much time left; but I won't give up,
Even with my hands tied I am still trying to do more good.
My vigilance is my truth.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Before you do something ask yourself why: why do you want to do this and what do you want to achieve by doing this? Maybe it's not worth starting?
Before making a serious step, consider what you will win and what you will lose. This is a simple lesson in logic and common sense.
The alarm clock of truth is ringing...wake up before reality does it for you.
People with a hurting soul are not considered unhappy. Really unhappy are people who have no souls...
Confucius said that out of all the crimes, the cruelest one is cold-heartedness.
A human without human feelings can never experience happiness...
No map will save you if you are trying to cross an ocean in a boat with a hole in it...
A morally colorblind person cannot tell the difference between good or bad...
Do we need to count ahead to know how useful or practical our actions are?
Unless you learn to defer the wheat from the weeds and good from the bad, you will be poisoning yourself with rotten moral food...
Suffering awakes compassion and respect to others....
Misery and happiness can equally open or close the door to happiness.
We need to learn to sacrifice our interests for the sake of others...
To honor your own self is to also honor others...
The one who doesn't love others hurts himself, too.
The heart is not made of stone, but it might turn to one without a soul.
The heart is not a rock, but it can become hard as a rock without spiritual communication...
Truth is the victory of conscience; the lie is it's defeat.
Get yourself a leash of conscience and ask God to give you a walk before you get lost in this life...
When a person has no moral grounds and his inner moral voice is silent, he has no conscience; to live without a conscience is easier, but it will come back to you like a boomerang.
Sometimes when the conscience wakes up, a person looks in the mirror and all he sees is a morally disfigured individual...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
One's fate depends on one's own choices, wishes, determinations, goals, and more so on one's own consciousness...
If a person has a shade of morality, he will keep looking for justice...
You are sixteen; time to lose the diapers...
Try to recognize what is right and what is wrong, what is wise and what is otherwise...
Life asks you to solve many problems...the first task is to find yourself.
I would like for you to become the person you intend to be...I would like for you to envision the person you want to become...
A young man is not afraid that life ends soon, he is not even worried that it may never begin...
Before a child grows up and becomes his own person, he always looks for support and approval; some never outgrow this stage...
Son, I want you to grow up to be a man with a capital "M", not a man with a question mark in the end...
If you never tried to break through the wall, you will never know the strength of your character.
God created virtue, but a father must furnish his son with them...
To teach a child to do good things, to be grateful for good things, and to deny evil is to make him into a human being
Everybody receives the wonderful gift of life, but not everybody uses it the right way...
Everybody knows where to go if you get sick, but where do you turn if you lack intellect?
When you get sick, you go to the doctor. Where do you go if you lack conscience?
A moral foundation is like the roots of a tree...it keeps a person steady and helps him grow.
If we don't learn to feel other's pain like our own, we will not survive...
Degradation of the soul turns into degradation of actions and eventually, degradation of your whole being...
Any action is either an improvement or degradation of one's soul...it affects one's moral and physical conditions.
Nobody knows you better than you know yourself. Don't be afraid to be independent and find your own way.
Life is the hardest science of all; it rewards those who succeed and punishes those who only think they do...
You keep bragging about how you are almost a genius. I am afraid that you are in for an unpleasant disappointment in life. Talent is modest.
Delusional people are all trying to get through the same door...meanwhile, the doors of their individuality are closed shut...
I think you are capable of picking yourself up, changing your batteries, and finding a new direction on this road of life...
My son, when you were little you didn't know that you had a right to choose. I am letting you know about it now...use it.
So far, all my efforts to help you failed. A blind soul does not see a helping hand. Wake up, open your eyes, form your own opinion, and move forward...
I think you need a good mirror to scrutinize not only your face, but also your heart and your mind. I think I can be that mirror...
Son, you are lost...but I am organizing a search party.
If you want to become someone, ask me how...
People are like grapes; some are born in good season, some are not. I hope my children are a good harvest...
Son, you have a name, a citizenship...but where does it say you are a human being? You have to prove it...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
To stop evil, one needs to do good.
You need to make peace a good person deep inside you.
I am sure that there is light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to make that walk on your own.
Everybody is a maker of his own fate, his own happiness, and...his own unhappiness.
Where does life take a paper boat? It floats with the current...